Posts Tagged ‘Madme’

50% off Sale on the Madame SuperTrash line!

Written by Eric T on . Posted in Fashion, Offers/Promotions, Promotion/Offer, Sector, Valentine's, Valentine's Day

Just in time for Valentine's Day! SuperTrash is featuring a 50% off sale on their Madame SuperTrash line! Save on the wide selection of Bras, Underwear, Slipdresses, Shapewear, Robes & Kimonos! SuperTrash is a true it-girl label for independent women with a great sense of fashion and style.  The brand stands for sophistication, success and not being afraid to show who you are.  Now you can save 50% off of their Madame SuperTrash line. Link:!!!id!!!&clickref=&p= Reminder, change the !!!id!!! to your Affiliate Window ID to ensure proper tracking.   **Don't Forget!!! SuperTrash is currently running a Publisher competition!** Enter for chance to win a $300 SuperTrash voucher! Promote the SuperTrash brand in your most creative way possible within the first 60 days!! Send the screen shots/URLs of your efforts and the SuperTrash Account Managers will determine the winner! Be sure to send your efforts to by Feb 18, 2013 to be considered!!   Join the SuperTrash program and earn a special launch commission of 10% on products sold up until 2/18/13!