50% off Sale on the Madame SuperTrash line!
Just in time for Valentine's Day! SuperTrash is featuring a 50% off sale on their Madame SuperTrash line! Save on the wide selection of Bras, Underwear, Slipdresses, Shapewear, Robes & Kimonos!
SuperTrash is a true it-girl label for independent women with a great sense of fashion and style. The brand stands for sophistication, success and not being afraid to show who you are. Now you can save 50% off of their Madame SuperTrash line.
Link: http://www.awin1.com/awclick.php?mid=5020&id=!!!id!!!&clickref=&p=http://www.supertrash.com/us/shop/madame-supertrash/C66
Reminder, change the !!!id!!! to your Affiliate Window ID to ensure proper tracking.
**Don't Forget!!! SuperTrash is currently running a Publisher competition!**
Enter for chance to win a $300 SuperTrash voucher! Promote the SuperTrash brand in your most creative way possible within the first 60 days!! Send the screen shots/URLs of your efforts and the SuperTrash Account Managers will determine the winner! Be sure to send your efforts to Jesse.Ashkin@affiliatewindow.com by Feb 18, 2013 to be considered!!
Join the SuperTrash program and earn a special launch commission of 10% on products sold up until 2/18/13!