Love Hope Strength Fights Cancer with Your Support
this 4th of July Weekend!
Love Hope Strength Foundation promotes innovative, music related, outreach and awareness programs for leukemia and cancer sufferers, survivors and their families.
The mission is to save lives, right now, with the advances that have already been made in cancer care. They do not fund cancer research, rather use funds to purchase medical equipment and supplies, raise awareness through special events, documentaries and media, build cancer centers and raises awareness and recruit potential donors to the organ and bone marrow registers.
Love Hope Strength is now firmly established as the world’s leading rock and roll cancer foundation. Love Hope Strength Foundation was registered as a charity in 2007, and co-founded by Mike Peters, two-time cancer survivor and internationally acclaimed singer of Welsh rock band The Alarm. Other supporting artists consist of Amos Lee, Elvis Costello, Carbon Leaf, Flogging Molly and George Strait.
5% of all AirTurn website purchases this weekend goes to the Love Hope Strength Foundation. And to encourage you to make a purchase we'll give you 10% off all purchases from now until July 5th.
Use Code : AIRLHS10 at checkout to give back to your music community and help save some lives this this 4th of July weekend!