Target a whole new audience and maximize your earnings with out most recent ready to use mini-feed! This feed, which can be found here, is all about pets! All your pet care needs for dogs, cats, reptiles, birds, ferrets, and more can be found here, including:
- Pet Food, Treats, Vitamins, and Medication
- Pet Toys and Pet Beds
- Pet Grooming and Hygeine Products
- Pet Transportation and Traning Tools
- House Cleaning and Maintenance Products
- Accessories and Home Goods for the Pet Friendly
- and more!
The products found in these feed a courtesy of:
Value Pet Supplies is a family owned and operated pet supply business. A portion of the company’s profits saves shelter dogs every month through Casita Big Dog Rescue. Backed by 5-star customer service, offers price leadership on top-brand pet products.
Linens and Things provides high quality home textiles, housewares and decorative accessories with worldwide recognition. has a strong commitment to growth and innovation. With over ten categories to choose from, is working hard to bring an even bigger variety of "things" such as garden décor, specialty cookware, electronics, pet supplies and more.
And don't forget...
PetCareRX does not yet have a data feed, and therefore are not included in this minifeed, but this great merchant wants to be thought of as your pet's personal pharmacy, just a phone call or a click away - stocking the brands you trust, at prices you'll welcome. We carry all EPA and FDA approved medications, and much more - all at up to 50% less than you pay at your veterinarian.
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